Believe You Deserve it and The Universe will Serve it ♡

Believe you deserve it and the universe will serve it ♡ The Universe loves gratitude and always gives us what we believe we deserve. Gratitude is the most powerful of all positive emotions.

We live in a universe where intention and desire are the primary drivers of action and manifestation. Gratitude brings more to be grateful for and increases the abundance in your life. Let’s spend as many moments as we can every day being thankful for all the good in our lives. 

Believe you deserve it, and the universe will serve it | Soul Food

“You know how great you feel when your life is filled with love and joy and health and creativity, and you get the green lights and the parking places. This is how our lives are meant to be lived. The Universe is a generous, abundant giver, and it likes to be appreciated.” – Louise L Hay.

To your gratitude and goals!

28 thoughts on “Believe You Deserve it and The Universe will Serve it ♡”

  1. This has become a way of life for me.. to practice gratitude THROUGHOUT my day. Such a beautiful message ♥️

  2. THIs is my favourite post <3 short and powerful!

    Thank you for using your influence to spread love and hope, with more of you in the world, world peace is easy.

  3. Although short it was powerful. i really resonated with this and found it very INSPIRING and ENCOURAGING, especially for the phase and space i am in right now. Thank you for sharing <3

  4. I love mantras like this! Thank you for brightening my day and PROMOTING positive THOUGHT. The world needs this . Believe you deserve it and the universe will serve it <3

  5. I so needed to read this. i was having such a bad day and then got a mail re the competition you were running. so i made it my mission to not only enter but to catch up on some reading! with life and kids with special needs i tend to have so little time for myself and it sometimes feels like ive let a part of myself go and forgotten who i am and what i deserve. reading this post just reminded of my worth and what i deserve. thank you so much kumari! xx

  6. If you give positivity, you will receive positivity! It’s a positive mindset that helps me be present in every moment.

  7. We definitely need to remember to have gratitude in life, it really is an amazing quality to have. This post is inspiring

    • This is something I have lived by for as long as I can remember… Even though, easier said than done. Thankfully I’ve been practicing gratitude for so long that it has become a way of life for me…♥

  8. This blog amazing!!
    TOTALLY GOING TO LIVE BY THIS QUOTE : Believe You Deserve It And The Universe Will Serve It ♡

  9. I am busy READING miNd over medicine by lissa rankin. our mind and attitude towards life and our circumsTances are indeed so powerful. The sooner we realiSe this the sooner we can live a happier and healthier life!
    Thank you for you positive inspiration kumari.

    • Only a pleasure Margaret! I am so glad that you find my post inspiring as I love leaving everyone feeling positively inspired.
      Thank you so much for sharing – have been meaning to get a copy of Mind over Medicine. You might also enjoy Gregg Braden Divine Matrix ♥

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