Fashion Revolution Day “Who Made Your Clothes?”

Fashion Revolution Day will commemorate the first anniversary of the illegally constructed eight-storey Dhaka garment factory collapse in 2013. The Rana Plaza factory tragedy in Dhaka, Bangladesh left 1,134 men, women and children dead; and over 2500 injured and at least 800 children orphaned.

On the 24th of April each year, Fashion Revolution Day aims to raise global awareness around the true cost of fashion, saying enough is enough. And highlighting how the industry exploits the dollar-a-day hands that make our clothes, making us increasingly aware of how disgustingly polluting the fashion industry is.

“It Took A Tragedy On An Epic Scale To Take The Subject Of Ethical Fashion From The Specialist Pages Of The Liberal Press And Make It Headline News Across The World. 

Desperately Bad Pay, Foul Mistreatment Of (Mainly Female, Often Underage) Workers And A System Of Mind-Numbingly Slow Bureaucracy Which Would Prevent Compensation Getting To The Survivors. 

By The Year’s End Bangladesh Was Rife With Violent Protests And The Outcry Surrounding The Politics Of Garment Manufacture Sent Tremors Around The World.”

Fashion Revolution Day “Who Made Your Clothes?”

Fashion Revolution Day “Who Made Your Clothes?”

The theme for Fashion Revolution Day is “Who Made Your Clothes?”. It is about transparency and connections – reconnecting the relationships of fashion which have been lost and the connection with the clothes that we wear. It is about becoming more curious about where and how our clothes were made and asking the right questions that will force brands to be more transparent. 

Fast fashion isn’t free. Someone somewhere is paying dearly.

Transparency means brands know who made their clothes, where they are made and under what conditions. And suppliers adhere to improving the working conditions of their labourers, offering them fair compensation. Fashion Revolution also asserts that brands and their suppliers take on the responsibility of ensuring that the environment is protected in the process.

Fashion Revolution Day says ‘enough is enough’
Fashion Revolution Day says ‘enough is enough’

Fashion Revolution Day | There is power in your voice

Show your support and join this worldwide campaign by wearing your clothes inside out on Fashion Revolution Day, 24 April 2014 and asking the question “Who Made Your Clothes?”

Get Involved – 24 April 2014

  • Wear an item of clothing #InsideOut on 24 April creating awareness that clothing tags hold the key to the story behind our clothes
  • Ask “Who made my clothes?” – Call, email and tweet the brand and ask the question. Share the brand’s response to social media and cc @fash_rev
  • Take a picture of yourself wearing your clothes #InsideOut and share on all social platforms using the hashtag #InsideOut and @(brand) and @fash_rev with the question, “Who made my clothes?”

For more information visit Fashion Revolution and visit Fashion Revolution South Africa on Facebook

Creative Commons Licence: Fashion Revolution, source:, by © Keiron O’Connor

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