Fashion Revolution | Sustainable Fashion

The primary objective of the Fashion Revolution is to rally forces around the concept of slow, ethical fashion which questions process and procurement.

Fashion Revolution | The primary objective of the Fashion Revolution is to shake the status quo and to rally forces around the concept of slow fashion or ethical fashion, which questions process and procurement and not just the size and the price.

Join The Fashion Revolution

There was a time when the wriggle room in your wardrobe measured style. An avalanche of new and unused clothing carelessly tossed into a bursting closet deemed you a fashionista. Up-to-date and trendy. But thankfully, the world has changed much since then. Quite drastically!

“The most sustainable piece of clothing is the one hanging in your closet.” – Kumari Govender

The world now consumes about 80 billion new pieces of clothing every year. False standards of glitz and glamour and meaningless vanity metrics keep propelling us towards consuming more ‘fast fashion.

Social media has redefined our world. We are spending hours on social media every day and plagued by ‘fast fashion’ explore the ways social media impacts fashion consumption, specifically among the female,

forcing maxing out our credit cards and purchasing “just one more”, especially when prices are low and affordable. The world of fashion is protean, beautiful and light-years away from poverty or squalor. Unfortunately, our appetite for this Season’s ‘must-haves’ is wreaking real havoc on people and the environment. And the sleepwalkers are finally waking up!

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The Rana Plaza Disaster

When the Dhaka garment factory collapsed in 2013, the reverberation made its way to the hearts of style curators and compulsive buyers worldwide. The inhuman work conditions and the fact that the workers had protested to no avail was heartbreaking to hear. These unethical practices of many supply chains eventually came to light, shattering the complacency of the fashion clique.

Overflowing landfills and the incredible pressure to keep producing raw material to satiate the style of machinery have since joined ranks and become pressing concerns everyone talks about.

Beautiful outside isn’t necessarily beautiful inside!

In a bid to make things right, the clarion call of #FashionRevolution was sounded, and it has turned into a massive movement.

How Can You Help Create a More Transparent, Sustainable Fashion Landscape?

The primary objective of the Fashion Revolution is to shake the status quo and to rally forces around the concept of ‘slow’ fashion or ethical fashion, which questions process and procurement and not just the size and the price.

“Who Made My Clothes” placards and inside out jackets have come to define the Fashion Revolution. And we can’t discount its impact. But real transparency and sustainability can only happen when buyers put a brake on the frequency of their shopping sprees, start making more wise purchases and make brands accountable.

Fashion Revolution | Quote Buy Less and Choose Well

I know it isn’t easy.
The concept of not having something new every fortnight was a curveball I struggled to manage in my twenties. But “Buy Less and Choose Well” has been my motto for over a decade now. I am an advocate of “Quality over Quantity”, and this translates into my wardrobe.

“Buy Less and Choose Well”

Slow fashion is the solution that’s in our control. I didn’t make my clothes, but I can create a sartorial landscape that I am proud to be a part of. Ditch the fads. Disregard the promise of cheap new thrills. Invest in statement pieces instead. Treasures you can hand down to younger generations and wear for the next ten years! Acquisitions that will “wow” whenever they leave the closet!

For my Glamour Style Diary, I decked myself in items up to a decade old. And the effect was as mesmerising as ever. Everyone loved it because quality always stands out. Being a proponent of ethical fashion, sustainability and transparency are important to me personally, especially for my Haute Edit brand.

So I want to thank those tireless hands that spin the fabric, the pattern drafters, the cutters, the machinists and tailors that worked tirelessly to ensure a smooth production process, bringing my visionary Haute Edit dream to glittery life.

I am so proud to share and honour the hands behind my latest Resort Collection.

Mukesh, our master sartor
Mukesh, our master sartor

These skilled artisans are champions of uniqueness and quality that make the ‘slow movement’ an art. Between the 24th to 30th of April, don’t just ask the brands to share supply chain information, but take the pledge that you will purchase to empower and buy to last.

Because we are the change, we want to see!

For more information, visit

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1 thought on “Fashion Revolution | Sustainable Fashion”

  1. hi kumari my name is Claudette. I would love to invite you to my fashion show . can I forward you an invitation? my website is under construction and will be ready on the day of my launch of my fashion brand.

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